Orphan Sunday

 Orphan Sunday

Orphan Care Alliance desires to equip churches, pastors, lay leaders, families and individuals to understand, communicate God’s call and find practical ways to engage in the lives of vulnerable children and families in their community.

“Every year churches across the world dedicate one Sunday to raise awareness for the fatherless. This has been and continues to be a great tool for the local church to speak for the voiceless.”
— Church leader

 This video is a resource you can use in your church to promote Orphan Sunday or during the Sunday service on Orphan Sunday

 More than 153 million orphaned and vulnerable children around the globe, more than 9,000 children in Kentucky. 6,500 churches in Kentucky that must step toward the brokenness in our communities to bring hope and healing to the vulnerable children and families in our communities. When the local church focuses on their community then ultimately together we impact the entire state.

 Next Steps to Bring the Gospel Hope to Vulnerable Children and Families

  • Volunteer with OCA – OCA has opportunities for you to volunteer and serve vulnerable children and families. For more information about opportunities complete our short interest survey.

  • Consider Foster – OCA offers training for state-approved foster parents and entry-level training for many private child care agencies across Kentucky. For more information about our upcoming training visit our calendar of events.

  • Provide Respite – OCA trains and equips individuals to assist foster parents with Respite Care. For more information about our upcoming Respite Care training visit our calendar of events.

  • Donate – Does your church desire to see your community expand in providing resources for children and families? You can assist In supporting OCA as we work to expand services across every community in Kentucky.

We Are Here For YOU!

If you have questions about Orphan Sunday or would like to connect with one of our team members about hosting an Orphan Sunday at your church, please reach out to us. We enjoy nothing more than encouraging and walking alongside you and your team!