How Is Family Coaching Different from Therapy?

Daily we hear from weary caregivers who are at the end of their ropes. Many have read the parenting books, attended trainings on trauma, and taken their child to countless specialists, yet little has changed. Scared and frustrated by their child’s behaviors, their homes seem more like a warzone than a place of refuge.

Family Coaching with OCA

When seeking professional help for your family, you may wonder how OCA’s family coaching services are different from traditional therapy. The primary focus of therapy is on treating mental health and psychological issues while healing past hurts and losses. At OCA, we use a unique blend of evidence-based tools and trauma-informed education to help caregivers rethink parenting strategies and create homes of healing, trust, and hope. Our trauma-responsive Family Coach comes beside you to validate the struggles and complexities of parenting children who have experienced harm. We help you set goals and develop constructive habits and skills, provide accountability, and regularly assess progress so you can step off the merry-go-round of unmet expectations.

We’ve Been Where You Are

With over 150 combined years of lived experience, OCA’s compassionate team understands the unexpected behaviors, stress, and struggles that can sneak up on adoptive and foster families. Our Family Coach listens to you without judgment. One-on-one coaching allows us to tailor each session to your family’s specific needs and to translate clinical information into personalized parenting tools and strategies. We will work together in a collaborative relationship to help you care for yourself, your relationships, and to build bonds of trust and connection with your child. A primary focus during our time together is, “Where are you now, and where do you want to be?”

Together, We Can Provide Hope for Your Family and Healing for Your Children

OCA clients receive customized individual coaching (focused time with parents only), trauma education, weekly action steps, and therapeutic resources. Our Family Coaching services exist to help you experience stronger relationships, decreased stress, and fewer trauma symptoms in children. Our telehealth model is prepared to support families wherever you are located.

Below are questions that many foster and adoptive parents ask themselves:

·      Why doesn’t my child like me?

·      Why don’t I like my child?

·      Does anyone else understand what I’m going through?

·      I’m giving my all – why doesn’t it seem like enough?

·      What else does my child need from me?

·      I’ve successfully raised other kids. Why aren’t my parenting strategies working now?

·      How can our family thrive and not just survive?

 If you have wondered similar questions and are ready to begin your journey toward healing, click here to schedule!