Church on the RISE

Our God is the “Father to the Fatherless” (Ps. 68:5; 146:9) and as God’s people we are called to love the vulnerable (Is. 1:17; James 1:27). Many of us may not be called or able to foster or adopt. However, we can still participate in God’s work of caring for hurting kids and families.

God Has Adopted Us to Be His Children

God designed the church to reflect Him and He did not leave us as orphans (John 14:18). As we mirror Christ’s example, we can do as He did – care for orphans. The church is the context for discipleship. Without the local church, men won’t be taught to lead their families, parents won’t be taught about healthy discipline, and the gospel won’t shape lives and communities. We want to see Christ exalted by keeping families together, and with the help of the church, we can do that. YOU can do that! We are here to help you find a place to stand in the gap and serve vulnerable children and families. 

This is precisely why we are hosting our RISE events in communities across Kentucky and southern Indiana. RISE is a community rally on behalf of the orphan, encouraging the community to answer the call to care. Through this effort within your church and community, you can join people across your region for a night of prayer, worship, encouragement, and a clear understanding of how you can get involved.

With the Church, For the Church

This year we have hosted 6 RISE Events to date, with 3 remaining on the calendar. We would love for you to be a part:

  • Sept. 27th – Immanuel Baptist Church (Lexington, KY)

  • Oct. 20th – Bellevue Baptist Church (Owensboro, KY)

  • Oct. 25th – Graceland Baptist Church (New Albany, IN) 

Through RISE we have seen churches do the following:

  • Train their staff and volunteers in TBRI® Trauma Training

  • Support families in their church who are caring for children in foster care

  • Equip their families to become foster/adoptive families

  • Train new Life Coaches to walk with teens who have no support

  • Ask questions on how they can create ministry around serving children and families affected by foster care and adoption

We Need YOU

We are gearing up for 2023 and looking for churches that desire to host RISE events. We can create a RISE Event specifically for your church or community! Come and learn what you can do to help the vulnerable and hurting kids and families in your community. This event is FREE to attend. Pre-register here:

Please reach out to Bryan Proctor, Ministry Development Director, to schedule a RISE Event in your church or community in 2023.