Christina has battled with addiction. She has suffered domestic violence. She has experienced the profound tragedy of losing a child. She has struggled with navigating life as a single mother. Through all the pain, hardship, and trials she is raising her three boys with unrelenting love.
We met Christina through OCA’s Family Preservation Ministry as a Restore client. This ministry is focused on partnering with believers to support hurting families in crisis and reduce the number of children entering foster care. All of the families we serve in Family Preservation are isolated and facing difficult circumstances, just like Christina, with little support or encouragement. That’s where the Church comes in and can truly be the hands and feet of Christ.
The Aroh family is one of those families. They chose to step in to provide respite care for Christina’s three boys for one weekend a month over a six-month period. Even after six months, they continued to wrap around Christina and her boys with love, compassion, and relationship. The Aroh’s ministry to Christina and her boys allows her to work, take care of herself, and ultimately enables her to be a better mother to her boys. Along with the support of the Aroh family, OCA’s Family Preservation team checks in on Christina weekly, ensuring she has the resources needed to be a successful parent. New Life Directions also offers additional resources that Christina utilizes, as well as a weekly visit from staff. Serving one takes the help of many. This is a beautiful example of the Body of Christ coming together to truly “be the village” that Christina and her boys deeply need.
This is Christina’s story. The story of redemption, of healing, of new life. The story that Christ is still writing for her life. We know His promises for her life are true and we can’t wait to continue to see what the rest of her story will be.
If you are interested in learning more about Family Preservation Ministry email