Just over a week ago, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the removal of federal protection of abortion. Thus, returning this decision back to the states and their elected officials. A life-saving decision, one of world recognition that has shaken a fallen world, but undoubtedly a decision that gives justice to the unborn. …
Christ the Great Healer: Bob’s Story
Suffering and struggling will always be a part of the Christian walk, but it looks different in every individual and family’s life. Christ suffered on this earth and thankfully has a perfect understanding of our suffering. Christ, in His supreme suffering, is the highest, clearest, surest display of the glory of the grace of God. When you suffer and trust …
Helping Your Child Find Healing with TBRI®
Trauma can come in many forms, especially in children with a background of adoption and foster care. Some of the best parents can struggle with how to help their children heal from the trauma that they have endured. No matter how incredible the parents are, or how feisty and fierce they are as advocates, it can be a downright difficult …
Bringing Light into the Dark – Keri’s Story
Keri, a single mother of six, was trapped in a desperate situation. She had been living in a hotel room with her kids since October 2021. Though she had a job, she was burdened by a medical condition that causes her to miss work often. Keri didn’t know how she was ever going to break free from the darkness that …
How to “Foster” True Self-Care
The goal of helping as a foster or adoptive parent is not to merely transform your children into good people, but the goal is to help so the children you are raising can fulfill their callings of glorifying God by working and supporting themselves and their families with the fruit of that work one day. As a foster parent, it …
When Helping Hurts…You
We live in a broken world in need of the hope of the only One who can save. Sometimes sharing the love of the Savior means stepping into that brokenness and living a life of sacrifice. We are not called to live a life of ease, but to pick up our cross and follow Jesus. The call to foster or …
Keeping your Marriage Strong: 4 Tips for Foster and Adoptive Parents
Keeping your marriage strong is important for every marriage, but foster parenting or adoption can bring some extra struggles to a marriage relationship. Here are 4 tips to help keep your marriage healthy while parenting kids from difficult backgrounds. 1) Respite, Respite, Respite If you are a foster parent, get a network of people willing to be trained as respite …
There is Life After Birth
As a Christian, I wholeheartedly believe in the sanctity of human life. God created us in his image and knit us together in our mother’s womb. Not only do I believe it, but this fundamental Christian belief saved my life. When God was busy knitting me together in my mother’s womb, she became very sick with a muscular disease. While …
Finding Hope at Christmas: How small acts of love brought hope and comfort
For many people, Christmas is the most wonderful time of year. They revel in the warmth, decorations, gatherings, and traditions. But for some, Christmas can be very hard. For many years, Christmas was an incredibly difficult season for me. You see, my mother passed away three days after Christmas when I was six years old. That One Christmas Even before …
Keeping “Happy” in the Holidays: A Foster or Adoptive Parent’s Guide to Seasonal Survival
Many of us eagerly welcome Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the holiday season with anticipation of family gatherings, travel, festive music and decorations. But for many foster and adopted children, the holiday frenzy can overload and push them beyond their ability to cope. Help your child stay calm and regulated during this time of year by remembering the three Rs: Regulate – …