Bringing Light into the Dark – Keri’s Story

Keri, a single mother of six, was trapped in a desperate situation. She had been living in a hotel room with her kids since October 2021. Though she had a job, she was burdened by a medical condition that causes her to miss work often. Keri didn’t know how she was ever going to break free from the darkness that she was covered in. Then hope came. Hope came through OCA as we stepped in to shine some light into her life through the work of our Family Preservation Ministry. Through our partnership with Ten Talents, OCA provided funds for the deposit and first two months’ rent on an apartment. Keri and her children had very little, only a few small pieces of furniture. Each of her six children only had what would fit in a small plastic tub. So, a team of OCA volunteers rallied around her, and in a matter of hours, the house was filled with furniture, towels, sheets, bedding, pictures, bunk beds, and clothes for each family member. Tears slid down Keri’s face as she experienced the love and compassion of this incredible group of volunteers. Her children were filled with joy and excitement as they saw their new home filled with new belongings. And their new bunk beds were a big hit! 

Unfortunately, as soon as Keri was moved into her new apartment she had more struggles to overcome. She was hospitalized for health purposes and has been praying for healing so she can get back to work and provide for her children. Thankfully a family volunteering through OCA’s Restore program has been able to help care for Keri and her children. Keri and her family have been going to church with the Restore volunteer family, they are providing Keri an incredibly important support system along the way. 


Want to learn more about how to volunteer in our Restore Program for families just like Keri’s?